Head of Digital Video Content + Strategy, Video Content Strategist, Content Specialist, Senior Digital Producer, Brand Lead, Creative Director, Supervising Digital Producer, Social Media and YouTube Manager, Post Production Supervisor, Lead Video Editor & Motion Graphics & Design


Tricia Traci is the epitome of a Jane of all trades mega-hyphen: a one woman band content creator/ editor/ artist/ director/ content strategist/ account manager/ department leader/ senior digital producer for big brands, tv & film, and influencers/celebrities. A Brand Chameleon and Content MacGyver Wizard. 

She can effortlessly glide and collaborate with all forms of departments. Whether it's generating educational SEO video with Content teams, finding objectives, goals, and ideating with Brand, honing voice with Editorial, starting from scratch on style guidelines with the Design team, strategizing on top trends with the Marketing folks, comparing notes with the Social Media squad, or geeking out with the Data team on reports and analytics.  She can manage creative operations, agencies, departments, and hire or direct crews. She's multilingual in a sense, speaking corporate, marketing, social media, production, post production, and agency fluently. She puts the FUN in cross-functional. 

Resourceful doesn't say enough. If there's a box, she's standing on top of the box thinking outside, "what if there wasn't a box at all?" She thrives both independently or on a team.  Her collaboration style is positive and solution driven. She's an expert at workflow, finding efficiencies, setting up redundancies, and archival systems. 

From start to finish, she strategizes, conceptualizes, produces, writes, directs, creates, shoots, edits, designs, and animates  slick, clean, fun, serious, dramatic, chill, thoughtful, bright, engaging content that connects to the human soul, no matter how digital it is. She can program, publish, and analyze data with the best of them. Some call her a wiz. Some call her a wizard. 

When she creates these dynamic pieces of content, they appeal to both mainstream and alternative audiences. She has excellent taste, high sensitivity spidey senses, razor sharp quality control, believes in the authentic, scrutinizes data, and understands how to pinpoint a voice and/or a brand. She then implements and executes with ease, training the audience and developing a loyal community... having them wanting and expecting MORE. Communities flourish. Subs and follows flow! SEO drives! Data spikes! Creators, brands, investors, and influencers partner! 

All walks of life can't help but share, like, double tap, re-tweet, re-tube, re-view, re-hash, re-tag, re-tok, and rewatch her content obsessively. 

A mature millennial or young Gen Xer, a friend to Boomers, she also embodies the spirit of Gen Z, allowing her to bob and weave between the generational blurred lines. Consider your demo covered. Consider your brand reached and understood. 

They wish her content was something not digital, but tangible so they could clutch it in the flesh of their warm sweaty organic hands or even gobble it up whole for the ultimate digestion satisfaction. It becomes apart of them the same way we and her art is apart of everything. It's a literal take on consumerism. To consume.  

Tricia moonlights as a video collage artist, animator doodler, and is a volunteer comedy teacher for a nonprofit to further hone her voice, imagination, innovation, and connection to the universe around her. Also so she doesn't get bored. 

She loves climbing, skiing, cycling, mtn biking, scuba, backpacking, rivers, mountains, bikes, gardening, graffitied city burrows, 60's experimental films, flashy big budget action movies, cartoons, muppets, humane societies, honey bees, putting sunglasses on dogs, and Korean food. 

She believes everything comes to life when grownups aren't around. 

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